RHF76-052 LoRa Module

RHF76-052 Lora module is born to be a serial LoRa module with firmware made for communication with an other uC.

But inside are an SX1276 and an STM32L051C8T6 and with the LMIC filesystem it is no problem to use this module with your own software

link to ebay where you can buy the module

I did make a simple test print on my CNC just to do all the test.

Here you can do some reverse enginering - Thanks to Uwe Krebs for the photo

The pinout in STM32CubeIDE

I always do use a RTL dongle to check if " we are on air"

I did only make a test with ABP because it is very easy to get on air.

The module is working very fine and here you can find the complete fileset for STM32CubeIDE

/sites/default/files/rhf76-052_ABP_1.zip     ........ updated 13-07-2020